
Musings about my travels in and out of country.

Friday, November 06, 2009

day starts

Up at 6am and down for coffee by sýx thýrty however the breakfast buffet
not open yet. sat and výsýted ýn lobby týl open at 7. the buffet at thýs
hotel ýs loaded. Cereals of all kýndsç. oatmeal. 4 kýnds of olýves.
cheeses. yogurts. and so forth. hot breakfast statýon wýth 2 cooks makýng
omlettes or eggs to order. breakfast shakes. french bread. and my favorýte
at thýs statýon ýs french bread wýth a cheese of somesort on top. after
breakfast cappucýno! now we are off!


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