
Musings about my travels in and out of country.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Driving By

Much of Mongolia is vast areas of green hills and rolling valleys in high steppe grasslands. We drove cross country from Kharkorim, the ancient capital, to Hustai National Park. Here are a couple of things that stood out to me, from my notebook. More later, but for now...
- I saw over the course of 1/2 day, 22 hawks or vultures hovering, swooping, sitting within reach of the road.
- We had 18 encounters with herds that required slowing down and honking horn to get through. Goats, sheep, cows, and horses. Herds of each and mixed. This day, it was at last 10 herds of horses that wanted to own the road.
- The driving dance - potholes, on every road that caused driver to slow way down, and ease over them or drive around them or drive on the shoulder to avoid them; and often when drivers coming the other way were doing the same thing. Get into each other's lanes and manuever as needed. It's all part of the Mongolian experience!  We had a great driver!!
Sitting in Seol Korea airport at the free Internet Zone. Very nice touch by Korean Airlines.


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